Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Trip to Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu International Hombu Dojo, Ireland

First, I planned to keep it as a private letter to my teacher, Patrick  Beaumont sensei. Then I have decided that there is nothing private in what I want to say and even opposite, I'd rather make it public.

That was another amazing trip and a great and successful event.

Last weekend was emotional, intense and jolly all together. The travelling party consisted of my two advanced students (Maciej and Ricardo representing @furin.karate) and me, is back home now, in the Netherlands. And as it often happens the wave of realizing the events during the short trip to the Hombu Dojo has just arrived. Martial Artists may recognize that moment as well when you are in action (regardless of its type) you are committed and performing with no back thoughts, you are focused and dedicated to the purpose so, that your mind and body do what is right to do. But after all is over only then you are trying to process and understand those past moments. Here I am, taken away with the memories. "But the memory remains..." (c) Metallica, and the memories are to be preserved. This is why this little article has to be written.

I would like to thank my Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu International #MBSRI Family and its founder and leader Beaumont sensei for the hospitality, comradery, brotherhood; for their unconditional love, trust and support; for the sense of humor and serious discussions, technical corrections, lessons; for accepting my students to the family and of course for evaluating my karate to Sandan (happy and humbled). It was a pleasant surprise! And it is an honor and privilege to represent #MBSRI in the Netherlands.

In the last 3 days we have experienced loads of things.

We arrived in the airport of Dublin and got picked up by Sean Donohoe sensei (thank you Sean sensei)! Arrived in the Hombu Dojo and introduced Maciej to Patrick sensei. Ricardo was there already the second time. So, he felt back home I guess. It was Maciej's first time in Ireland ever and the first time to meet the Karate Family though. Of course he loved Ireland from the first look... How can one not to?! Later we had a successful evening class organized especially for us. The floor was still as fresh (read - "icy cold") as usual at this time of the year! :) The day has gone fast. After the session and the late dinner tired and happy we returned to our temporary home that was arranged by Jennifer Duffy sensei. Thank you sensei.

Next morning we had an advanced YUDANSHA and guests session followed by the grading of the new black belts. That was a very special event! But I must mention that Maciej, my student "has turned" into GO-KYU (blue belt)! Congratulations Maciek! Your hard work shows off. Keep it up! I want to say that both my lads (lads! ;-)) with honor represented my #Furin DOJO. Well done gentlemen!

Then there was the black belt exam. Most of the candidates were children or teenagers. Not all of them were at the same level of karate of course (it is impossible by the way) but how they tried...! What an effort from both sides it was! ...from the examiners board and the prospects!!! It is a pleasure to be related to such moments. After the warm-up session led by Ricardo (my student - proud of you man!) the black-belts-to-be demonstrated 
- KATA (my favorite). 

Each KATA of the Matsubayashi syllabus was first presented by the brightest young star of the dojo and MBSRI Hanna (14 y.o.) and only then by the candidates. Her skills and knowledge do not have equivalent not only amongst young karateka of our organization but on the National level and above. Shhhhhh... Then she didn't know that we were watching her as well and she without knowing was passing her grading for NIDAN. Unfortunately, my English is limited to describe the level, elegance and beauty of her demonstrations. All KATA!!! So, running ahead of the story, she has been graded NIDAN in front of entire audience including children and adults, the NIDAN! Congratulations Hanna! Well done! You motivate us and make us all proud.

After "a-must program" there was a free demonstration of favorite KARATE KATA, KOBUDO KATA and JYU KUMITE . That is when the black belt candidates had a chance to express their KARATE and to show off a bit! :-) So, did I. I was asked, to be precise, by Sensei if I would like to present some KATA. I considered it an honor at such event to be asked to demonstrate my KARATE and proudly presented one KARATE KATA and one KOBUDO KATA (nunchaku). As I learned later, at the final ceremony I was also watched and as a result was graded as SANDAN. Surprised, happy, humbled and honored at the same time.

The grading has finished with the most important part, exchange of the technical remarks for all candidates. And finally, the grading ceremony. Beautiful diplomas, very new black belts and big smiles, hugs, shaken-hands and bows. The last but not the least Jennifer sensei used candles and allegory to explaine to the newbies that the karate journey just began from the moment one received a black belt. Candles were lit representing internal desire to practice karate.

Late dinner again. Night site seeing with the SENSEI. Next morning a relaxed chat and farewell from Patrick sensei. Sean sensei brought us back to Dublin. Thank you again. I had to show my students and friends the city.

Later when we have already parted and I arrived home after the long day and flight to Eindhoven I had suddenly realized how much Patrick sensei and all SENPAI, SENSEI, KOHAI and friends and all karateka did for us, how much love and friendship, respect and support we received during this weekend.

It was amazing weekend! Thank you my karate family, my Hombu Dojo, my brothers- and sisters-in-arms, thank you Patrick sensei! We are counting already days to see you here back in Netherlands. 

Congratulations to all promoted KARATEKA and instructors!

Tot ziens!

Your Dmitry,
The Seeker

Dec 2019, Eindhoven 


#practice, #MBSRI, #martialarts, #Okinawan, #shorinryu, #matsubayashi, #karate, #eindhovencity, #Nederlands, #Netherlands, #Ireland, #kibudo, #furindojo

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Recently I was trying to make a point to my students highlighting the fact that any rotation should be done rather on the heel part of the foot instead of the ball of the foot (except special cases where it has to be done this way). This discussion can lead us to a very popular and often misuinterpreted subjcet, the hip rotation. In this artile I am going to omit an explanation why do we use hip roatation for now and stop on the relation foot.

Let's start with a posture. What is a "good karate posture"? As you can see on the image below in general good posture for humans has a couple of major points. Here are the tips:
  • Head should not be hanging forward or backward. In order to get the correct position of the head one should drop his chin and lift the top of the head so as if it was connected with a tiny thread to the sky. By doing so the six vertebrai would stretch up helping to hodl the head (which is quite a heavy object on its own) and thuse protecting the necj and the shouldress from the overstressed position when they have to work hard balancing the head (6-7 kg).
  • Shoulders should be relaxed but kept straight. Do not try to "carry" them with connected shouldre baldes and also do not let them completely roll forward. I personally do the following when I want to put my shouldrees in the correct position. I lift them up and drop completely relaxed. It works for me - it might work for others. The main point is do not add stress to your shoulders as except negative impact on your posture and health in general it will also slow down your hand moves drammatically.
  • Lower back should be narly straight (GAMAKU). IN order to achieve it the best thing to do is to life your pelvis, same way as a dog for example hides his tale when feels guilty or scared. The motion of the pelvis should be circular: from the lower back down and up in front. If you wear a belt (OBI) the knot of the belt should pop-up when the pelvis is lifted. Try!
  • Once the pelvis is in "good" position your body sinks between hips so that the center of gravity drops. It allows to use hips without looosing the structure.

  • Do not bend knees but also do not lock them. Knees should act as ammortisation devices. Imagine a car without ammortisation driving over a bump. Something is going to break. Ammortisators are absorbing impact. So the knees should do. Hence relax them, do not bend and do not lock.
  • And the last point, actually the one we are discussig here is position of the foot. Look at the image below. Do you see where the straight line points? Yes, under the heel! When we use a phrase "push from the heel" we should understand that we mean actually this part of the foot nd not the heel bone itself! 
Now, wh yis it so important? It is imprtant because the hip aligned with teh foot. Always! Where the foot is pointing the hip is pointed. This greeen  line above is a pivot line, the pivot axis. So, any hip roatiation should be done using this line its axis. And this is why the spot under the heel is so important.

If I need to raotate my hip I need to roatate my foot using that point as a pivot point for the rotation. I hope it makes sense. Let me know otherwise.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


During the COVID-19 quarantine times I learned a lot. I advanced on my KATA, I fell in love with Makiwara again. I developed teaching karate online skilks. Etc.

But the most important I learned to practice in solo mode. No, of course even before I trained on my own but it was never so enjoyable. Apparently, as I said many times, it is just a habit. I was right saying it. Indeed the more I do the more used to it I become. 
I have to admit I even like my 2 hours solo practice. Together with 90 minutes teaching it makes my day complete and my Karate advancing. 
Solo practice is probably the most important skill for any martial artist. That is when we actually review our art and evolve.
Keep practicing!!

Sunday, January 13, 2019


This rainy Sunday morning I practised FUKYUGATA ICHI. Amongst other  important points, descriptions and explanations relevant to this kata I highlight for myself and my students a very simple tactical idea of its combinations.

In order to enter the fortress, one must open its gates first.

From a strategical point of view, we are trying to produce a successful attack in the anterior of the opponent. And the chosen tactics is to open (destroy) his defence first.

All combinations in this kata allow us to open opponent on one level and attack on another.


Thursday, January 3, 2019


Beginning of the year comes with a new wish.

I want to video record all Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu kata I am practicing and to publish them here, in my blog and in YouTube

Now when I finally made a wish I am going to write it on paper.

I have asked my students to do the same.

What is your wish?!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Let's agree on the following statements first: 
  • Energy is an invisible substance that could be either saved or transmitted to another object
  • Energy exists in two states, either potential or kinetic
  • Every motion and transition could be described as a wave.
I realize of course taht these are very vague definitions as well as drawing energy flows with lines for example but they should be sufficient for the purpose of this article and actually make it easier for me at least to understand the subject. We are not going to discuss the physics laws and matematical formulas here. There are loads of resources for those who is interested. 

What I would like to discuss here though is how to make a karate technic in efficient way  producing maximum energy with minimal effort (utimate goal of many martial artists); and what the key elements of the technic are. Let it be a "simple" punch, CHOKU-TSUKI (直突き, straight punch) for instance. 

Let's focus on the energy.

Newton Cradle is an amazing model to experiment with energy transfoirmations. In two words this model demostrates Potential to Kinetic Enrgies transition and passing momentum. When a ball is pulled up we "create" Potential Eergy. Once it is released and falls - Kinetic. The thing is that in the ideal conditions this would become a perpetuum mobile but in reality there are forces that contradict and absorb some energy during the transforamtion.

Anyway as we can observe it is not the last ball that produces energy; it serves for the energy  delivery mostly, from the fist to the target. It makes me visualize the punch differently. Here are some interesting points to keep in mind:

1. Potential Energy to be created first. Yes, basically someone has to pull the ball up first in order to create a momentium for the last one. 

The ignition of the movement is given by a little "explosion" inside the center of the body, so called gravity center or HARA (), TANDEN, DANTIAN (丹田) etc. Certain parts of the brain responsible for intention and commitmnent  stimulate muscles to produce a "car piston effect". I imagine a car piston-like environment that releases energy as a result of explosion inside, that "lifts the ball" creating a potential. And the lifting process itself is described by passing this energy from hand to the ball or in our case from the explosion in the center to the heel of the back leg. Now there is an amount of potential energy generated, although for short time only (natural losses). The systems is set for the action.

2. Next step is to transform Potential Energy to Kinetic. And the back leg together with the foot are playing crucial role in this process. Excatly the same way the "ball was lifted" it will be released. The exact same way the energy generated from the body center to the heel it will come back but... 
  • If the heel is connected to the floor the momentum, the wave, will be bounced back with the same phase (this is why the timing has to be correct) and with minimal losses leading to the Constructive Interference and as a result making the amplitude doubled and energy - quadrupled accordingly.
  • In case, if the heel is disconnected from the floor the energy will be mostly dispersed as there would be no bouncing effect and no wave constructive intereference... or if the timing is incorrect the system can even work agaibnst itself (shifted or opposite phase) leading to the Destructive Interference canceling the wave and killing the energy at all. This is why I am focused so much on keeping the heel down during my practice at least for KIHON (基本, fundamentals) and KATA ( 型, form) practice.

Let's stay positive and imagine that the energy was passed the best way and got quadroupled. Then what? What happens to the generated wave?

3. Then we come to the moment when the energy was successfully transferred from Potential to Kinetic and the ball flies down (or through the same channel, the leg comes back to the hips area). 

4. Once it hits the second ball the chain reaction has started and based on the principle of conservation of momentum and energy the amount of energy generated above through the chain of balls will be transmitted to the last ball, the end effector and in our case to the punching wrist. 

I deliberately avoided going deep in physics and tried to keep an imagination working for myself rather than formulas. I believe that visualization in Martial Arts is the key. So, formulas are left aside. Sorry. 😉

Of course the entire system is not static like the Newton Cradle and there are extra momentums added (i.e. push of the back leg, hips rotation, shoulder and elbow extentions etc.) making the pounch even more efficient but on their own, without the energy generated of the back heel they are nothing but physical attempts to use muscles only.

And since we are talking about muscles we should make anoher observation, and a very important one. 

The famous Newton Cradle, is just a model. Due to the natural losses the movement cannot be 100% efficient and eventually stops. In order to reduce those negative forces (such as friction, for example) the balls are hanging on the elastic light ropes! Elasticity (my sensei's favorite word!) is the factor that makes the losses much smaller and allows free motion of the balls. How does it apply to the muscles? Here you go. In order to produce the most efficient punch (technic), assuming that the generation and transition of the energies went smoothly one's muscles should be relaxed like those ropes allowing the energy, the wave, to pass through with as less resistance as possible. And only at the end whe the enrgy is to be transferred to the target the KIME comes in, and for a split second only only (subject for another discussion later). So, ideal model of the punch in this case would be a whip that becomes a hard or sharp (depending on the technic) stone for a split second of the contact only. 

- Confidence leads to Relaxation
- Relaxation leads to Speed
- Speed is Power...
- Power leads to Confidence.

Try to keep your heel down during KIHON or KATA practice and keep your hands relaxed making them hard for a spolit moment of the impact only. Let me know if it worlks for you as it does for me. Have fun!Just observe other acitivties that involved the same musculoskeletal chain! 

Of course the heel is not staying down all the time but it serves its purpose when needed. Timing is important.

Sunday, December 30, 2018


A couple of months ago I was teaching a regular class (FURIN KARATE DOJO), the Sunday mixed class where the age range between students is about 40 years. As I remember I was preaching about the stances and their importance in KIHON (基本, basics) and KATA (型, forms) practices. My intention was to provide instructions that would deliver the following message: 

"The back leg plays an extremely important role in ZENKUTSU DACHI (前屈立, extended frontal stance) as well as in any other stance". 

While I was going over and over again and the class was moving from one wall of the DOJO (道場, practice hall) to another suddenly a little girl (7 years old) broke the puffing silence of the class:

"It is simple! It is like a photo frame..."

I, who always inspire my students and myself to visualize technics in order to understand them, who draws pictures and uses simple examples, was struck with a genius of the student and simplicity of her explanation! Indeed the stability of any DACHI (stance) could be explained as simple as the stability of the photo frame! So, I have decided to write this short article. I hope there is at least one KARATEKA (空手家, karate practitioner) in the World who will find it useful.

The frontal part of the body with both hips turned forward, towards the attack, looks like a frame when the back leg serves as a support to it and... very important, delivers the explosive push initiating the chain reaction to entire body (back leg heel → pelvis → hips → trunk (core) → shoulders → hands → arms) that is well explained by the famous mechanical model of Isaak Newton, known as the Newton Cradle (I am going to write separately on this matter later). And actually, this function of the supporting leg is even more important than just supporting.

As a result, back leg functions are, but not limited to:

  • Support to the body where the front leg serves as a pivot;
  • Delivery of explosive power to any technic.
Since then I successfully use the same "photo frame" visualization example when I am teaching the transition from  ASHI MAE SHIZENTAI DACHI (front leg natural stance) to ZENKUTSU DACHI (extended frontal stance), back and forward. Dropping the center of gravity and bringing it up works well when the "frame" stays where it is (pivot of the front leg) whilst the back leg is either sliding back and forward. By doing so one can maintain dominating and intimidating pressure on the opponent (my favorite "offensive defense" tactics) while changing the stances and managing center of gravity in his favor (potential energy ↔ kinetic energy).

Trip to Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu International Hombu Dojo, Ireland

First, I planned to keep it as a private letter to my teacher, Patrick  Beaumont sensei. Then I have decided that there is nothing private i...